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Annual Congregational Meeting Today!

Today, January 26th; Annual Parish Membership Meeting at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall.  I urge every member of Saint Stephen the Martyr Parish to attend this important meeting.  Many issues vital to the health and success of our parish will be discussed and decided upon. The key to success in any democratically oriented organization is in the participation of the membership.  Our parish is facing many challenges and your thoughts and ideas on how to solve them are of the utmost importance. Please plan to attend, engage and to elect or volunteer to be elected representatives to the various offices and positions in our parish for the upcoming terms.  Our ancestors fought for this right when they founded the Polish National Catholic Church one hundred and twenty seven years ago.   Please respect it and make use of it by attending and participating. 

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Christmas Worship Schedule

Tuesday, December 24th – Christmas Eve

Choir Presentation prior to Mass at 11:45PM

.Shepherd’s Mass – “Pasterka” at 12:00 Midnight

Wednesday,  December 25th – Christmas Day

Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord – Mass at 9:00 AM

Thursday, December 26th – Feast of Saint Stephen

Holy Mass at 9:00 AM

Please encourage all you know, family, friends and neighbors to join us as we celebrate the birth of Our Lord.

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Today, at 10:45 AM, we will host a Special Breakfast and Service in the Fellowship Hall recognizing our veterans.  We will be honored by the presence of a guest speaker from the PA National Guard, Captain Brandon Sweeney.   This breakfast and service will be free to all who attend.  Please see the flyers on the table in the vestibule for more information.  Take several and spread the word to your friends and neighbors.   November 11th is set aside each year to remember and to honor all those who serve or who have served in the armed forces of the United States of America, especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us and for our freedom.  Please, do not forget or diminish their service in any way.  Go out of your way to thank a veteran or active duty member this week and pray for their safety always.


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