At this time, the ‘better-safe-than-sorry’ approach to our common life in our Parish is the approach to take for the immediate future. Therefore, at the passing of the Peace during Mass, we will eliminate handshaking, kissing and hugging as signs of God’s peace being with you. Instead, a wave, a peace sign ‘V’, a smile can be substituted for the other gestures to ensure the health safety of all and to remove from some the stigma of their not desiring to participate in the Peace at this time while others would.
Greeting the clergy with a handshake at the doors after Mass will no longer take place. A smile and the brief greetings offered as usual will be sufficient.
Coughing and sneezing into your elbow and arm instead of uncovered into the air around you will be appreciated by everyone and reduce the risk of infection.
As always, parishioners who are ill on a Sunday morning or exhibiting flu-like symptoms should remain at home from Mass until they are fully recovered from their illness.
The clergy will continue to wash their hands before Mass as they always do. Additionally, they will use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and after distributing communion.
The CDC explains the following: Coronavirus symptoms include a fever, cough and shortness of breath. Symptoms could appear two to 14 days after exposure. The virus spreads through droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. People can also become infected by touching something with the virus on it then touching their mouth, nose or possibly eyes.
We will observe these precautions as long as necessary.