

Today is the first Sunday of the Advent Season.  Advent gives us the opportunity to prepare ourselves, physically, emotionally and spiritually for the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There are booklets on the table in the vestibule.  Please take one and resolve to spend a few minutes each day in prayer and reflection so that you may truly appreciate God’s great gift to His people, Eternal Life in the form of the Baby Jesus.

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Thanksgiving will soon be upon us.  As we gather together to thank the Lord for His many blessings, let us not forget those in our community and around the world who are less blessed than ourselves.  Please do whatever you can this season to help those unfortunate individuals, be it with monetary donations, gifts of food or clothing or offering your time to help with some charitable event.  Remember what Jesus said “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”  May God bless you and yours as you bless others.


Sacred Vocations Month


 The Polish National Catholic Church sets aside June as Sacred Vocations Month.  The Polis National Catholic Church, much like all denominations, suffers from a shortage of priests and deacons to serve the needs of the faithful.  Many more are needed.  Please remember to pray ever more fervently during this month that the Lord God Almighty will call more men to His service and that they may hear Him and answer His call.

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Memorial Day Remembrance Service at the Cemetery

We will be holding a Service of Remembrance honoring the brave veterans who gave so much in the service of our country on Sunday, May 28th at 12:00 Noon at the Saint Stephens Cemetery at 1200 Broadway Boulevard, Kenhorst, PA  19607.  Guest speaker Lt. Col. Travis Shick. Please join us as we say “Thank you.  May you rest in peace. We will never forget.”

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