Donald Wunderlich


During the season of Lent we will be praying the Stations of the Cross each and every Wednesday evening starting March 9th and leading up to Holy Week.  I hope that everyone will plan on attending to join together in prayer and reflection and that you urge your families, friends and neighbors to attend as well.  This is a beautiful and moving form of worship and it helps to focus our thoughts and prayers on our Lord and Savior as we reflect on His Passion and Death.



Today is the first Sunday of Lent.  I hope that everyone is ready to begin our solemn Lenten journey as we follow our beloved Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ along the path of His Passion.  Please be diligent in your daily prayers and meditations during this Lenten Season. Remember also to try to abstain from meat on Fridays as a form of penance in honor of our Lord’s passion and sacrifice. A blessed and prayerful Lent to all.

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The Season of Pre-Lent, sometimes referred to as Shrovetide, begins today as we celebrate Septuagesima Sunday.  The PNCC continues to observe this season although other rites have abandoned it.  It is marked by the use of Rose colored vestments and a period of merrymaking including Mardi Gras before the solemn observance of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday which this year falls on the second of March.

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The Passing of Prime Bishop Emeritus John Swantek

The fifth Prime Bishop of the Polish National Catholic Church, the Most Reverend John Swantek, died Friday, January 7, 2022 at 4:30 in the morning and entered into the eternal rest of the Lord.

The details of the funeral of Prime Bishop Swantek arranged in part with his family are given here:

Vespers will be celebrated in our Scranton Cathedral where the Primate Emeritus will lie in repose and will begin at 7:00 pm on Friday, January 14, 2022;

The funeral Mass is scheduled for Saturday, January 15, 2022 at 10:00 am in the Cathedral.

A repast will follow in the Cathedral Youth Center.

Please keep Prime Bishop John in your prayers for the repose of his soul.  And please uplift in prayer as well his wife, Arlene, and the entire family for their solace in this difficult time.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.  May he rest in peace.  Amen.

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On Saturday, November 20th, we will be holding a Polish Food Sale.  Pierogies are definitely on the menu as well as a few other surprises.  This will be from 9:00 AM until we are sold out.  This is open to the public so please spread the word.  I hope to see you all there.


Welcome Back Breakfast and Blue Mass

Next Sunday, October tenth, we will be celebrating our first annual Blue Mass in honor of the First Responders of our community.  All of our local First Responders have been invited to join us for a special blessing during each Mass at 8:00 AM and at 9:30 AM.  They have also been invited to join us for our Welcome Back to Church Free Breakfast sponsored by the Young Men’s Society of the Resurrection.  of course, all of our Parishioners are encouraged to attend either Mass and to enjoy the free Pancake and sausage breakfast served after each Mass.  I hope to see everyone there.

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COVID 19 Update as of June 20, 2021

As of June 20, 2021, Saint Stephen the Martyr parish will essentially be back to normal as the state of Pennsylvania has lifted virtually all of the restrictions regarding the COVID 19 virus with the masking requirement due to be lifted June 28th or when 70% of the population becomes vaccinated, whichever comes first.  Fully vaccinated individual are not require to wear face coverings although those who are not vaccinated are encouraged to do so.  The Holy Eucharist will be distributed via intinction with the consecrated host dipped into the precious blood of Christ and placed on the tongue of the individual receiving the sacrament.  The priest will continue to disinfect his fingers between each recipient and will wear a face mask while distributing communion.  Holy Water has been returned to the fonts at the entrances.  Please feel free to use or not use it at your personal discretion.  The Mass Booklets and over literature has been returned to the holders on the back of the pews and the restriction of every other row is lifted.  We realize that some of you may still have personal issues  or concerns and we respect them.  Your decisions on how and when to participate in worship are yours and yours alone to make.  That said, we hope to see most of you back in the pews soon as we join together to sing praise, honor and glory to the Lord, our God.

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In these uncertain and troubling times, the leadership of the Polish National Catholic Church, both secular and spiritual, has decided to implement a better safe than sorry approach to the Coronavirus outbreak.

Effective immediately, until further notice, all activities in our parish will be temporarily suspended.  This includes all meetings and assemblies of any type.  Mass will be celebrated by the clergy at 9:30 AM on Sundays in order to offer prayers for the faithful but all parishioners are instructed to to remain at home and to pray together from there as the one body of Christ.  Should anyone come to Mass because they did not receive this notification, they will be asked to maintain the recommended social distancing of at least six feet from other parishioners.  The Eucharist will not be distributed to the congregation but will be replaced by the recitation of the “Act of Spiritual Communion” at the appropriate time during the Mass.  The text will be provide in the Bulletin and in the weekly Worship Guide for those not attending Mass.  This will be posted on the website each week along with or in place of the bulletin until such time as we are once again able to gather together to give praise, honor and glory to the Lord God Almighty.  The links below will provide you with the latest Official Statement from the Office of the Prime Bishop, a list of cancelled and re-scheduled events within the church, guides to Sunday and Lenten Worship Services.  The Sunday Worship Guide will be updated weekly.  Please share this information with any and all parishioners that you are in contact with to make sure that they know to stay home from church until further notice.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me anytime at 610-775-4559.  This number also rings my cell phone so i am available most anytime.  With God’s grace we will weather this storm and come through stronger than ever.  Please keep all of those affected by this sickness in your thoughts and prayers daily, especially the health care providers working so hard and so selflessly to battle this outbreak.  Take care, stay well and may God bless you and yours in this time of crisis.

Statement from the Office of the Prime Bishop

Cancelled and Re-scheduled Events

Sunday Worship Guide (Fourth Sunday of Lent)

Lenten Worship Guide (Stations of the Cross)

Stations of the Cross (PowerPoint) 


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