As of June 20, 2021, Saint Stephen the Martyr parish will essentially be back to normal as the state of Pennsylvania has lifted virtually all of the restrictions regarding the COVID 19 virus with the masking requirement due to be lifted June 28th or when 70% of the population becomes vaccinated, whichever comes first. Fully vaccinated individual are not require to wear face coverings although those who are not vaccinated are encouraged to do so. The Holy Eucharist will be distributed via intinction with the consecrated host dipped into the precious blood of Christ and placed on the tongue of the individual receiving the sacrament. The priest will continue to disinfect his fingers between each recipient and will wear a face mask while distributing communion. Holy Water has been returned to the fonts at the entrances. Please feel free to use or not use it at your personal discretion. The Mass Booklets and over literature has been returned to the holders on the back of the pews and the restriction of every other row is lifted. We realize that some of you may still have personal issues or concerns and we respect them. Your decisions on how and when to participate in worship are yours and yours alone to make. That said, we hope to see most of you back in the pews soon as we join together to sing praise, honor and glory to the Lord, our God.