Saint Stephen the Martyr Parish
Reading, Pennsylvania
One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic!
Latest News and Events
We’d love for you to be there…
Today is the third Sunday of Lent. I hope that everyone is committed to our solemn Lenten journey as we follow our beloved Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ along the path of His Passion. Please be diligent in your daily prayers and meditations during this Lenten Season. Remember also to try to abstain from meat…
Today, March 5th we observe Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Great Lent. We will celebrate Holy Mass with the blessing and distribution of ashes to the faithful at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM so that all may be accommodated. i hope to see you at one or the other of the Masses and…
The Season of Pre-Lent, sometimes referred to as Shrovetide, continues as we celebrate Sexagesima Sunday. The Polish National Catholic Church continues to observe this season although other rites have abandoned it. It is marked by the use of Rose colored vestments and a period of merrymaking including Mardi Gras before the solemn observance of Lent…
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